Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I Feel Better

I feel much better about this election than the last couple. In 2004 I was reasonably confident that the American public wouldn't be so collectively terminally idiotic that they would re-elect the same corrupt, stupid redneck. They did - or at least, that's what the official figures show. I still believe that the election was a sham; there were too many things wrong with it - exit poll figures at odds with the official counts, intimidation of voters, whole areas with uncounted votes. I think it was rigged, and I'm not the only one who does, but the questions got lost in the noise. The average American handed Dubya the KY and bent over; the chimp stayed in the White House when he should have been dragged out in handcuffs.

This time it's a different story. The debate last night made it fairly clear: Obama is definitely the better man for the job. McCain came across as a doddery old fool and his snide little attacks reminded me of a name-calling schoolbrat. He wouldn't have been much less convincing if he'd just sat there making farting noises.

It got me thinking about something that other people have mentioned. McCain is an old man, and it seems to be common knowledge that his health ain't that great. If he gets the vote somehow, and gets sick, Sarah 'batshit crazy' Palin gets the keys to the nuclear arsenal. Isn't that a sobering thought.

But as I said, I feel much better about the whole thing. According to the pollsters, unless something really dumb happens between now and November 4, Obama will be the next President. That has to be a good thing.